Join the Synod’s Covenanting and International Mission Officer in the collaboration with The Walk Humbly Initiative for an introductory exploration of how to develop partnerships with cross-cultural, marginalised communities. This workshop will focus on best practice principles from the missions and development sector and provide a framework for developing local and overseas mission partnerships.
I am excited to be taking part in this workshop as part of the Uniting Church Synod’s Resourcing Expo: Chasing the Wind of the Spirit. I will also be available to chat to at a stall during the event.
From their website:
“The theme of ‘Chasing the wind of the Spirit’, speaks to God’s activity already occurring around us and the Spirit calling us to follow to where God’s mission is taking the church; making disciples to be part of God’s mission in congregations and through connections with local communities. To quote Paul Dearborn, ‘It’s not the church of God that has a mission, it is the God of Mission who has a church.
These events will take on a ‘fair-like atmosphere’ warmly welcoming everyone. Food vendors and community groups are encouraged to participate with stalls during the breaks. These free events are open to church groups and individuals who may or may not be regularly involved in church. We aim to connect people while at the same time resourcing them in areas of interest and passion.”
To book your spot, sign up here: