Meet Saray

Our next contributor I would like you to meet is Saray Reuk. Saray is the manager of the Rok Kern project at Children in Families in Cambodia - the project that I worked on over the last 3 years. The Walk Humbly Initiative grew out of the Rok Kern project and I still have the pleasure of meeting with Saray and working in partnership together.

Saray holds an Associate Degree in Divinity and Theology and a Bachelor Degree in Arts ( Humanities and languages studies)  majoring in English for International Business. He has been involved in Christian ministries for the last 10 years and spent a year serving in Zimbabwe in 2017 as a part of the Mennonite Central Committee’s scholarship program to volunteer overseas.

He is passionate about sharing the richness of Cambodian culture with visitors and for seeing partnerships built that reduce dependency and allow the gospel to not be seen as a foreigners’ religion. 

In this vlog, he reflects on his childhood experiences with the church and the impact that external resources has on his community.  (In this blog Saray mentions a VBS. That stands for Vocation Bible School and it’s quite a popular short-term mission project)

He leaves us with two questions to answer: Do you trust us? And how can we involve local partners more? 

How would you answer these today? Saray is keen to answer your questions too so leave any questions or comments you have in the comments!

If you are keen to find out more about Rok Kern, check out or the project’s global giving page here


Considering the impact


Bringing in the answers to my fears