Monthly round up
It’s been a while since we have done a monthly round up and it’s been quite exciting to see quite a few of the topics we explore on the Walk Humbly Initiative being discussed across mainstream media.
Follow up from past ideas
Most recently, the topic of charity and admin costs and effectiveness has been brought up by the ABC. What do you think of this article? What else would you have liked to see in it in light of our conversations?
Relevant Magazine - a popular Christian publication from the US - has recently written an article about the increasing popularity of wholistic missions and the issues of privilege and paternalism. What do you think of their interpretations and ideas?
Haiti, Missions preparation, and risk management
You may have heard about the missionaries in Haiti who were recently released after being kidnapped for a number of months. There are so many things we could raise about that story, but instead of looking at the specific situation and organization, I was intrigued by the way that the Australian Broadcasting Cooperation decided to use it to look at issues surrounding colonialism, evangelism, the role of missionaries, training and theologies of risk management.
What do you make of this article?
What stands out to you?
What questions does it raise for you?
In a similar vain, Christianity Today publishes a development and missions blog and they also used this topic as a reflection on missions practice:
What do you think?
Some good news stories
As we mentioned last month, holding onto hope can be difficult when we only see negative things. So here’s some good news stories from 2021. The first in cute little cartoons, and the second with more reading and actually sourced.
Something fun:
And lastly, this video has been giving our family lots of entertainment as we have moved house recently. I love the fact that one cat makes some cute noises, and the next thing is someone adds a skill they can bring, and then another, and despite not knowing each other, they create a beautiful melody.
Your turn
What have you been seeing around the internet that has stood out to you this month?