Monthly Round up - October 2021

It’s time again to look at what is happening on the rest of the internet. The monthly round up aims to bring you some interesting articles to read, or podcasts to listen to,  or recommendations that connect topics we have been discussing to what is popping up in our media. These links are things that I’ve enjoyed over the past month, but I’d love to see what things you have been reflecting on too!

Here’s a few links to get us started: 

Climate Justice

It’s less than a week until heads of government from around the world meet for the UN’s climate change summit known as COP26.  Increasing global temperatures will push many people back into poverty and increase the number of refugees worldwide as food scarcity increases and sea levels rise. 

YWAM England is hosting a worldwide prayer movement with daily updates about the issue’s main talking and prayer points. You can sign up for the prayer letters here:

Ethical shopping guide

Each year the team at Baptist World Aid spend the year researching the job and living conditions of workers in the garment industry from around the globe. They find out which brands are treating their workers well and which ones aren’t, and then let us know. While there has been huge improvements since 2013, there is still a long way to go. 

Check out this year’s scores here:

Some good news: A much awaited vaccine

After years of research, the world has its first Malaria vaccine - It’s only 30% effective - but for the hundreds of thousands of children who die from Malaria each year, it’s a big breakthrough!

The World as 100 Christians

You’ve probably seen the video of the world as 100 people (if you haven’t - sign up for the Rok Kern Charity vs Justice course!). In this link,  Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary looks at what global Christianity looks like in 100 people.

Marilyn Gardner has written a reflection on what this means for those of us who are in the minority - racially, financially, linguistically, and geographically here:

What’s happening in the Christian advocacy space?

You may have seen a few charities -both Christian and non-religious - taking part in the “Save our Charities” campaign. It is in response to a bill voted on in Federal Parliament this month. 

We often throw around words like charity, justice, donations, advocacy and activism, without thinking about our assumptions that sit behind those words. As we have seen time and time again on this blog, stopping to think through our assumptions is really important as we think about what it means to love our neighbours well. 

What do you think about the assumptions that are underlying both this article and the political bill it refers to?

And some fun things:

This collection of maps have quite the range of information on them. Many which you may not be expecting:


Spring is beginning to actually arrive in Adelaide and with it sunshine, greenery and school spring break - which meant that we were able to entertain guests and get away camping. Here’s a couple of photos of spring in Adelaide for your enjoyment.

Horseshoe Bay at Port Elliot at Sunset
Rolling Hills at Myponga, South Australia

Chaos, Butterflies and determining development outcomes.


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