Welcome to the Walk Humbly Initiative, and welcome to our online learning community.
Because that’s what I hope it will be - a place where you can grow and learn and most importantly, find a community where we can ask some of the harder questions about what it means to love other people well.
When I was younger I had a dream to be a writer. So I suppose it was a little inevitable that I would end up with my own blog, but I have to admit that my childhood fantasies tended more towards intrigue, mystery and a wise, independent, yet romantic heroine.
I hadn’t yet worked out how deeply lodged that desire to be the heroine was in my brain.
Exploring together
And so I find myself writing a weekly newsletter, not delving into the realms of fiction, but into the murkier waters of ethics, of the connectedness of our world, and of what it actually means to help and serve others. This online community will have lively discussions (I hope), links and book clubs to explore experiences you might be familiar with - and some exploration of what loose terms like poverty alleviation, justice, service and responsible volunteering might actually mean.
But more than that, it is a space to share some of the things that I learnt along the way, to show how I learnt not to be a hero, and to invite some of those people who challenged me to share with you. And I hope we raise more questions than answers.
Gulf of New Mexico by NASA
Covid has shown us just how interconnected the world is. Someone choosing to “help” or “serve” another seems more complicated than it did 18 months ago. Each day we seem to be learning more about our place in society and in the wider world. People are asking more questions: How has our understanding of the world been shaped by our life experiences? Why do terms like power and privilege keep being thrown around? What does “loving your neighbour” even mean in today’s world? How can we do it better?
I can’t promise to have all the answers, but I am good at asking questions - and noticing relational patterns. So let’s Walk Humbly and journey together, and with God, towards a better understanding of transformation and how we can invite all to do it together.
So that’s what brings me here. Comment below to introduce yourself and tell me what brings you here.
I’m looking forward to getting to know you.