Learnings and Reflections
Monthly Round up - September 2021
Welcome to our first monthly round up. The monthly round up aims to bring you some interesting articles to read, or podcasts to listen to, or recommendations that connect topics we have been discussing to what is popping up in our media. These links are things that I’ve enjoyed over the past month, but I’d love to see what things you have been reflecting on too!
Now it's your turn….
It’s your turn to tell me what you have enjoyed about the learning community, to reflect on what has been significant to you this month and to ask me anything about what you want to see in the future.
Introducing our book club
As part of this community, I want to create space for us to explore different topics together. One of the ways is to dig deeper into topics using books and podcasts.
The Administration Fallacy
Accountability and best practice is so important to charity work that 2/3s of participants in my recent survey identified that these were key factors in determining whether to support an organisation. However one-third refuse to pay for it.
Introducing Mony
Meet our newest contributor to the Walk Humbly Initiative blog, Som Chanmony, executive director of Peacebridges Organisation.
Digging deeper into hard conversations
In a world where everything looks so polarised, how do we approach listening to each other well?