Learnings and Reflections

Stacie Ellinger Stacie Ellinger

Contemplation as Action

“Working for change that can rarely be seen in a lifetime, when we only have one lifetime is inherently difficult. There comes a point when you need to withdraw in order to know who you are again. and remember what you are fighting for.” - Victoria Loopz, Church of the Wild

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Stacie Ellinger Stacie Ellinger

A moment to reflect

It’s the blur and the confusion and the disorder of memory, that often leads me to take the time to reflect.

The daily examen is one of the first of St Ignatius’ spiritual exercises - daily practices which are supposed to help you notice God’s presence in your life. My spiritual director introduced me to the idea a few years ago. I’m not sure about you, but I’m not great at regular journalling or marking time in a diary or even at keeping a 3 point gratitude journal, but each year I do try to do an examen, and I have found it helpful, so I thought I would share it here.

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